What The Bible Actually Says About What You Really Believe

Image Showing Bible Studies About False Teachings

Really Compare What The Bible Actually Says To Your Church Teachings.
Are They Really False Christian Doctrine? See For Yourself In These Studies.

Have you ever really proved the teachings and doctrines of your church are not false Christian doctrines, and actually in alignment with the Bible's plain words? Can you trust Gods actual Words, or should you depend on your church to interpret His Words and tell you their opinion of God's real meaning? Do you actually know how to study the Bible literally, to prove your church teachings and doctrines are not false Christian doctrines, and teachings you acquired over the years are in alignment with what the Bible really says? Are our churches doctrines and teachings on these subject reliable and in agreement with Gods actual Words in the Bible. Are most Christian churches teaching false Christian doctrines that actually cause people to sin? On any important truth the devil tries to get you to stop too short, or go too far, by listening to the false human reasoning of biased men. When you learn how to actually study the Bible yourself you won't get fooled with false interpretations based on denominational church bias. Today you can learn how to study Scripture and question your former teachings and doctrines, you do not need to blindly follow the unreliable teachings of your church anymore, or accept the word of someone who wrote a commentary or study. I encourage you to continue to personally study to see with your own eyes the simple and plain words in the Word of God, and to question what your church teaches on these subjects in the Scripture Studies in the Main Menu down below.

Does The Bible Actually Say Anything About Common False Christian Doctrines And Teachings?

The studies below compare God's actual words in the bible to teaching we hear from our churches. See words the Scriptures actually say, plainly written, without ANY interpretation, denominational bias, church spin, or human reasoning, concerning common false church doctrines and false teachings. These studies just show God literally speaking to us in His inspired Word. In these studies, find out the surprising truth. You can learn about some false Christian doctrines , teachings and beliefs that are NOT supported by the Scriptures actual words. See with your own eyes, then ask, does the Word of God ACTUALLY say teachings I personally believe? Is His Word more reliable than the enlightened interpretation of Scripture by mere men in my church? God's Word is definitely the only reliable source for uninterpreted truth!

Does Your Church Really Preach False Christian Doctrines And Teachings?


The 10 Commandments: Are Christians Still Under Them Today?

Are the Ten Commandments still relevant today for Christians? How Do The Ten Commandments Apply To Modern Life For A Believer After Being Saved By Grace? Is It Important for Christians to Keep ALL Ten Commandments? Most Christians believe a false teaching about not needing to keep all Ten Commandments once they are saved by Jesus. Instead of Ten Commandments they see them more as Ten Suggestions. How about people really no longer being required to obey all Ten Commandments? Let the Scriptures actually show you the truth. The 10 Commandments: Are Christians Still Under Them Today

Sabbath vs Sunday Rest: What Does The Bible Really Say?

Does the Bible really say anything about Christians keeping the Sabbath? Which day is the Sabbath - Saturday or Sunday? Where did Christian churches get the idea about Sunday being the day of rest for Christians, instead of the 7th Day Sabbath? Where can you find the scriptural change from Sabbath to Sunday for Christians? Did Jesus abolish the Sabbath? Is the Sabbath only for Jews, or for all Christians too? Isn't one of the Ten Commandments about resting on the 7th day, the Sabbath? Are Christians breaking the law of God every week by keeping Sunday and not the Sabbath? Is this another of the false Christian doctrines our churches teach? How does the Sabbath commandment apply for Christians today? How does the Sabbath apply to modern life? Find out what God's Word plainly tells us about Christians keeping the Sabbath. Sabbath vs Sunday Rest: What Does The Bible Really Say

The Lord's Day: Is It Sabbath Or Sunday For Christians?

Is Sunday the Lord's Day? False Christian Doctrines: Do Churches Really Teach Them? How about about the Lord's Day of Rest? Should Christians actually rest on the Lord's Day vs Sabbath? Is Sunday really the Lord's Day for Christians? Is there a Biblical basis for the Lord's Day? What is the history of the Lord's Day? Is there a connection between the Lord's Day and the resurrection of Jesus? Does it really matter to God on which day we rest or worship? Is the Lord's Day still relevant for modern Christians? The Lord's Day: Is It Sabbath Or Sunday For Christians

Christmas: Should Christians Celebrate This Pagan Holiday?

What does the Bible really say about Christmas and the Christian adoption of pagan customs for Christmas? Where did this whole pagan Christmas concept come from? Was there a Roman influence on the Pagan origins of Christmas? Is there a Saturnalia, Yule, Pre-Christian Christmas connection? Do the early Christian views on Christmas celebrations align with the modern church opinion? Does God actually hate the false Christian doctrine of Christians celebrating Christmas? Can we celebrate Christmas or not? Christmas: Should Christians Celebrate This Pagan Holiday

Passover vs Good Friday: Which should Christians observe?

Good Friday or Passover: Do you know the historical origins? Are there any New Testament teachings on Passover for Christians? What does the Christian observance of Passover look like? The Bible really says a lot about the death of Jesus. Was it on Passover or Good Friday? Is there actually a Passover and Good Friday connection? Does it really matter which day we actually choose to observe Jesus' death? False Christian Doctrines: Do Churches Really Teach Them? Do teachings like this lead us away from the truth?  Passover vs Good Friday: Which should Christians observe

Easter: Should Christians Really Celebrate A Pagan Holiday?

Does the Bible actually say anything about Christians celebrating Easter? How did the Easter bunny and eggs become part of Easter celebrations? How did Pagan Easter traditions get connected with the resurrection of Jesus. Does the Spring equinox, or the Easter goddess Eostre, have an Easter connection? Does the Word of God really say anything about celebrating Easter or is this another one of those false Christian doctrines our churches teach? Easter: Should Christians Really Celebrate A Pagan Holiday

Halloween: Should Christians Celebrate This Pagan Holiday?

Is Halloween Evil In The Bible? Is Halloween pagan? Is it a sin to celebrate Halloween? See the Biblical perspective on Halloween. Should Christians observe this pagan holiday? What is the Christian view on trick-or-treating? How about church sponsored "Trunk Or Treat" activities for Halloween? Halloween: Should Christians Celebrate This Pagan Holiday

Immortal Soul: Does The Bible Really Say We Have One?

What is the Biblical view on the soul's immortality? Do you see the perspective of the Immortality of the soul in Christianity? Can our soul actually die? The church teaches we have an immortal soul. This is surely one of the false Christian doctrines that crept into our churches from paganism. Does the Bible actually say it is immortal and lives forever in heaven or hell? Does an immortal soul have life somewhere for all eternity? Immortal Soul: Does The Bible Really Say We Have One

Heaven: Do Christians Really Go TO Heaven When We Die?

What happens after death according to the Bible? Is there life after death? See the Biblical view and Christian beliefs about going to heaven after death? Do we actually go TO Heaven as our eternal reward? Does the Bible plainly tell us saved believers go to Heaven for all eternity, or False Christian Doctrines: Do Churches Really Teach Them? How about erroneous interpretation of God's Word about heaven? Is heaven where Jesus and His Kingdom will be? Will we be in heaven with Jesus at any time? Can people in heaven see us on earth? Heaven: Do Christians Really Go TO Heaven When We Die

Rapture? Does the Church Really go to Heaven for 7 Years

What does the bible say about the Rapture? When will it happen? Are there any signs of the rapture? Does Jesus return first before the Tribulation to save His church? Is this a reliable doctrine from the Bible? Is the Rapture a teaching that many churches promote really proven by God's Word or Does Your Church Really Teach False Christian Doctrines like this? Does Scripture plainly tell us there is a Rapture of believers to heaven to be there with Jesus for 7 years? Where did this Rapture doctrine come from? Rapture? Does the Church Really go to Heaven for 7 Years

Tithing 10%? Is A Tithe Really A Christian Obligation

What is the Biblical basis for tithing 10%? What's the New Testament view on tithing? How much should Christians give? What were Jesus' teachings on tithing? Are we stealing from God if we don't give Him a tithe? Is this just an Old Testament vs. New Testament tithing law change? If our churches teach we fon't need to tithe anymore is that the truth or another of many false Christian doctrines we hear?Tithing 10%? Is A Tithe Really A Christian Obligation

Lying And Deception: What Is The Biblical Teaching?

What Does The Bible Really Say About Lying and Deception? Are white lies allowed for good reasons? How about deception to protect others, or ethical research? Are lies acceptable to keep peace in a relationship? Is it OK to tell Little White Lies to our children to play into their fantasies? Is it really deception if it's done in showing love towards other people? Is all lying and deception really sin? Lying And Deception: What Is The Biblical Teaching

Divorce: What Does The Bible Say About Divorcing Exceptions?

Learn the Biblical perspective on adultery and divorce. Is divorce a sin for Christians? Are divorce exceptions allowed for some Christians? Are there Biblical grounds for divorce? Is the failure of a marriage in divorce something God actually hates? When is a marriage over in God's eyes? Divorce: What Does The Bible Say About Divorcing Exceptions

Eternal Security: Is ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED In The Bible?

Do we really have unconditional eternal security? Is there a Biblical basis for eternal security and being Once Saved Always Saved? Can we never lose our salvation no matter what after we are saved by Jesus? Is there a possibility a Christian can deliberately reject their salvation and NOT be saved anymore? You need to know what the Scriptures really says about being Once Saved Always Saved rather than listen to false Christian doctrines from our church teachers. Eternal Security: Is ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED In The Bible

Today is Not the Only Day of Salvation for Me to be Saved

Doesn't God want everyone to be saved? Does God's Word tell us this is the only day of salvation and if we are not saved now in this life, that we are headed to Hell forever? Doesn't God have some kind of plan to offer every person a chance to accept Jesus and be saved for eternity? You can see the simple truth and hope for everyone who has ever lived once you see that this is not the only day of salvation. Let the Scriptures actually show you the truth. False Christian Doctrines: Do Churches Really Teach Them? How about about this one? Today is Not the Only Day of Salvation for Me to be Saved

3 Persons in 1 Trinity God? What Really Is the Holy Spirit

What Really Is The Biblical Basis For The Trinity And The Relationship Between Father, Son, And Holy Spirit? Why Isn't The Word Trinity Actually In The Bible? Who is the Holy Spirit? Is the Holy Spirit really the 3rd person of a Trinity God, or is it the the power of God in a believer? Where did this false Christian doctrine the churches teach about the Trinity? Why is it never questioned? 3 Persons in 1 Trinity God? What Really Is the Holy Spirit

Homosexuality: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuals

Is The Christian Perspective On Homosexuality That It's Really A Sin According To The Bible? What Really Is The Biblical View On Gay Marriage? Does God Hate Gays? Is being a lesbian a sin according to the Bible? Is it OK to engage in Gay sexual physical acts of intimacy if you truly love someone? How does God feel about people with nontraditional gender orientations? What Are The Consequences Of Gay Physical Acts Of Sexual Intimacy?Homosexuality: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuals

Who Is Jesus And Why Should I Be A Christian?

Can Jesus really save me from Hell? Who is Jesus? Why Do I Need Him? Can God Really Give Me Eternal Life? What is the benefit of me being a Christian? Can Christianity offer me something that I do not already have? Can God Really save me from Hell and make me live forever? Does my religion offer me the chance to rise alive from the grave after I die? Who Is Jesus And Why Should I Be A Christian?

After Reading These Studies How Do They Compare?
Does Your Church Really Preach False Christian Doctrines And Teachings?

Christians no longer need to keep all ten original commandments? (A False Church Teaching)
Does the Bible actually say the 10 Commandments were in effect before Moses?
Christians should rest and worship on Sunday? (A False Church Teaching)
Jesus will secretly Rapture Christians to Heaven for 7 years before the Great Tribulation? (A False Doctrine)
Are some lies or deception allowed for good reasons?
Christians no longer need to Tithe today. (An Erroneous Teaching)
Going to Heaven actually the reward for Christians? (A False Church Teaching)
Is anyone who ever lived actually in Heaven right now?
Can you actually lose your salvation if you don't meet certain conditions?
The Eternal Security teaching about being "Once Saved Always Saved" is true? (An Erroneous Teaching)
Celebrating Christmas is actually taught in Scripture. (A Totally False Teaching)
Does everyone who has ever lived eventually gets a chance for salvation?
Celebrating Easter is commanded in Scripture. (Another False Doctrine)
Is there anything in Scripture about celebrating Halloween?
Is divorce allowed by God under certain conditions?
The Holy Spirit is part of a Trinity. (A Major False Teaching)
Does God have anything to say about people being Gay?

Did You Notice Things The Bible Did Not Actually Say About These Subjects?

Here you can see dozens of eye-opening meme's about things Jesus And The Bible Never Said About Common Beliefs And Doctrines.

Explore: Things Jesus and the Bible Never Really Said

Is God Judging America With Major Disasters
Because We Don't Believe The Words He Actually Says?

Is God judging America with catastrophic disasters as a warning of His soon coming final catastrophic judgment on the USA? Is He really rendering serious judgment against the United States today for our every increasing sins. We sin in many cases because we really do not understand the Bible. Our Creator is now warning America with ever more powerful judgment for us kicking Him out of our liberal, watered-down, churches, that do not teach doctrines the Bible really says about obeying Him. God is judging us with destruction and record breaking catastrophes for all of the horrible sins that have become so common place and accepted as "normal" in the United States. Judgment will be coming even more for not believing what Gods Word says and not being in alignment with His WILL about doctrines about Sunday rest, celebrating pagan holidays like Halloween, Easter and Christmas, tithing, lying, and divorce. Have you looked around the U.S. these days? Have you seen the signs in the news showing we are getting closer and closer to total destruction of our country? Is God judging America with major disasters now? These ever increasing destructive events are just a warning of the catastrophic judgment from the Lord that is coming upon us in full blown power very soon. Learn more here!

Is God Judging America With Record Punishing Judgments?

When you first learned how to study the Scriptures did your church teach you to question everything, to prove it is true? Most believers just assume the doctrinal beliefs and teachings they have are actually true and reliable, straight from the Word of God. Most Christians ever look deeply into Scripture and see if it does actually say certain things about some of our beliefs, in plain, uninterpreted words. They seldom take the time to PROVE the doctrines and teachings they believe are actually supported by the words God literally says in plain language. They don't ask themselves, does my church really teach errors? Almost every person believes the erroneous doctrines and teachings learned from their church and family when they were young. They were never encouraged to learn how to actually study the Bible themselves to find the truth.

In the studies above you learned how to actually study the Bible, and saw with your own eyes the Scriptures that DO NOT actually support anything about heaven as you may already believe, or believers lying and deceiving people. The reliable truth is plain to see about the question of Sabbath or Sunday as the day of rest, and people giving God His tithe. Most people don't believe the adage, "give God what is right, not what is left". You found out the actual truth about holidays like Christmas, Easter, and Halloween, the Holy Spirit, homosexual relationships, and getting divorced. All questions about a Rapture of believers to heaven, having eternal security once they are saved, the reasons for keeping all ten commandments, and today being the only day for everyone in the world to be saved, were ALL answered with the plain reliable Word's actually spoken by your Creator. If America gets in alignment with God's Word and obeys Him He may have mercy on America and spare us from total disaster. At the very least, if YOU do all the He says YOU and your family may be personally spared from the destruction that will hit our country.

Image of a false minister preaching

You have a right to hear the truth, if not from your church, then go straight to the source, the Bible

Does Your Church Really Teach False Christian Doctrines? You are free to continue to hear and believe the false teachings inspired by Satan, that are biased and interpreted by men in every denomination and religion, or you can actually look at the Scriptures, seeing for yourself the plain words that will help you get 100% right with your Father and Creator.

Today you have had the opportunity to see the simple and plain words of Scripture about a variety of teachings you may have believed for years. Will you decide to really obey the commandments and laws of the Lord, or will you continue to believe things you have seen for yourself in His Word that are simply false? Consider today with an open mind, the simple truth from Scripture about resting on the Sabbath, going to heaven, divorce, the Holy Spirit, telling lies, a 10% tithe, observing Easter, Christmas, and Halloween, the Rapture, Gay relationships, being "Once Saved Always Saved", now being the only day of salvation, and believers keeping all ten commandments? Will you believe your Creators reliable Word or will you continue to believe your church? False Christian Doctrines: Do Churches Really Teach Them? Are we taught errors by fallible preachers who can make mistakes. Fallible ministers can actually misinterpret the Bible. Fallible Priests have denominational bias. Fallible human beings can actually be wrong, but God is never wrong! He spoke His Word in the Scriptures. Now it's up to you to make a personal decision to really listen to the truth, or continue to follow the devil's lies. It's your choice for all eternity!

Gateway To Jesus Ministries is a personal non-denominational Internet Ministry with no affiliation with any church. After originally being seminary trained, I have spent 55 years unlearning the errors taught by most churches, and then learning how to study the Scriptures without any denominational or church interpretation, bias, or spin, to find the simple truth concerning common beliefs held by many believers. The older I get the more God shows me how wrong my early seminary study years really were. I hope you have found these studies helpful in your own search for the truth of Scripture as you study with an open mind and an open heart.

Copyright Policy. Some of the material on this site comes from other sources. I cannot be responsible for any error or inaccuracies in their material. I support copyright laws and desire to be in copyright compliance at all times. If anything is found on this site that belongs to you, please E-mail me to properly attribute the author, or remove the item. Please contact me at the e-mail address below with any copyright concerns. Don't waste your time sending me any messages full of arguments about why things I've written here are wrong. I live by the adage, I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to, so I won't read it and I won't respond to it.

E-mail: Gateway To Jesus Ministries.

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