Is God Judging America With Record Judgment Disasters

Is God Judging America with punishing judgments?

Is God Really Judging America With Record Breaking Disasters As A Warning To Us
Is God's Judgment On America Because We Do Not Actually Do His "WILL"?

Why do we refuse to believe things the Bible really says and do as it tells us? Jesus is really warning us with extreme and record breaking catastrophes that are severely punishing us for not doing what the Bible actually says! Time is very short! Its time for us to turn to Jesus for protection while we still can

If you want to learn more about what the Bible really says, visit this page. Does Your Church Really Teach False Christian Doctrines? If what you believe is not true would you really want to know it? Are you confused by church interpretation of the Bible that is not really what it actually SAYS in it? Prove for yourself what is plainly written in the Bible, about common but erroneous religious belief, with NO church bias or denominational interpretation. Truth Matters. Learn about many teachings people believe but are not actually written in the Bible.

Disasters and record punishing judgments in America

Visit Facebook and search for, Disasters In America: God's Punishing Judgments, to see daily updates of disasters in the United States.

Is God Actually Judging America With Major Disasters Because Christians Refuse To Obey Him?
Can Christians Really Be Saved From God's Judgment On The USA?

Why is this happening now?

The moral decline began in the 1960's as WE THE PEOPLE collectively changed from our Fathers obedient children to Satan's followers without even knowing it. After World War 2, blessings on the United States stopped, as we actually kicked our very Creator out of our schools, our government, our families, our society, and our churches because they no longer teach what the Bible actually says about Christians obeying the commandments. We are no longer great and never will be great again. The majority of people have been deceived to believe they are just fine if they only love Jesus. Love for your Savior without obedience is really not enough according to what the Bible actually says. Being a Christian means DOING, not just believing. The decline will continue, the warning judgments will continue, and we will no longer recover from them. Destruction is are already upon the world for their sins and disobedience. Judging from the Lord is actually now coming upon the United States for us not allowing Jesus to be an active part of our lives and refusing to obey Him. Its Time To Wake Up before it is too late! Is God judging America with natural disasters, warning us of total judgment on our very doorstep? Yes He is!

If we do not respond to these warnings major judgment will come upon the United States. If we do not believe Bible and refuse to do what it tells us, the disasters will actually get worse. As bad as it has been in recent years with all the new record breaking natural disasters, destruction is sure upon us and will get much worse if we do not turn to God now and do His WILL! If you do not get in alignment with Him, Judging from the Lord will surely come upon you personally, sooner or later. This is His final warning to you before the Lord's judgment on America comes in full measure for our sins.

Since most Christians believe in the 7 year Great Tribulation that will occur prior to the return of Jesus, does it not seem logical that at some point, some day, God judging America, will actually have to start? Given the extreme moral decline and rebellion against our Creator in our country, why does no one expect this judgment to start in our time? Why is it even today, with all the signs around us, all the signs of fulfilled prophecy, (do you really WATCH the news?), that no one REALLY thinks the Great Tribulation will begin sometime soon? Is it really that unbelievable to consider we are really living in the end times? Why are most Christians not listening to the warning disasters and preparing? Is God judging America with major disasters now? It is beginning with all these record breaking events today. Severe judgment is definitely coming with total destruction, ready or not! Why do most Christians ignore our Creators WILL and just keep living life as usual? Be prepared my friends! Turn to the Lord and get in alignment with His WILL, and obey ALL His laws and commandments before it is too late and sudden destruction comes upon YOU! People who wait until the 11th hour to call upon the Lord usually die at 10:59.

Is God's Judgment On America Because We Do Not Actually Do What He Says?

Are the disasters we have seen in the United States over the last few decades going to get worse? Yes! They are not going away because people in the United States, including Christians, refuse to obey the Commandments. The sins in our country are increasing so God's judgment on America is increasing. If your beliefs are not true would you want to know it? Have you ever proved your beliefs by looking at what the Bible ACTUALLY SAYS about them? Do you know WHY all the natural disasters are increasing in our country? It is because we have been deceived by our churches teaching false doctrine that causes us to sin! You have the opportunity here today to learn the truth so you can be personally spared from much of the judgment coming upon America in the very near future.

Common Sins Causing God's Judgment On America

Consider These Most Common And Accepted Sins In The United States Today!




These are an abomination to the Lord!

Unfortunately many Christians do not recognize all of these as sins, which is a big reason for serious judgment coming on the United States. If what you believe about what is required of you isn't true, would you want to know it, or would you rather walk around being totally deceived? If you want to learn more about the actual words in the Bible that plainly tell us how to avoid sin, and things it says to personally be protected from God judging America with major disasters, visit this page.

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