Should Christians Celebrate Jewish Holy Days And Feasts?

Feasts And Holy Days

An Introduction To The Spring And Fall Holy Days And Feasts

Are Christmas And Easter Biblical Holy Days That Christians Should Celebrate?

What major religious holidays should Christians observe and celebrate? At first glance this looks like an easy question. Obviously the answer would seem to be Christmas and Easter. I say "seem to be" because there is a serious problem with observing these days. As Christians we base our beliefs, our worship, and our observance of special times and events based on what the Bible says, what we see plainly written in God's Word. So, if the answer to this question is Christmas and Easter, where in the Bible is the command or instruction from God for believers to celebrate these holidays? Where do we see any Biblical example of any of the apostles, or any disciples of Jesus, or any Christians, in any New Testament church in the Bible celebrating Christmas or Easter in any way? There isn't any! Absolutely none! Why not? Why would the Word of God remain totally silent on instructions, commands or examples concerning Christians celebrating Christmas and Easter if God wants us to observe them?

I challenge anyone to find any biblical commands or instructions to keep Christmas and Easter anywhere in Scripture. These festivals are not even mentioned in the Bible. The only exception is a mistranslation in Acts 12:4 found only in the (KJV). It incorrectly uses the term "Easter" instead of "Passover".

"And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people." (Acts 12:4) KJV

The original inspired Greek word here is "pascha" which is correctly translated "Passover" in all the other 28 places it appears in the King James Version. Acts 12:4 stands alone as a mistranslation. The Christian holiday of Easter did not even exist at that time in history when Peter was put in prison. See ANY other versions of the Bible (NKJV, RSV, NIV, NLT, ESV, etc.) for a correct rendering of the inspired Greek word, "pascha" in Acts 12:4. The error is indisputable!

"So when he had arrested him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him, intending to bring him before the people after PASSOVER".(Act 2:4) NKJV

The fact is, there is no command in any version of the Bible to celebrate Christmas and it does not instruct believers to commemorate Jesus' birth as a holiday. There is no explicit command or instructions for the observance of Easter as the day of Jesus' resurrection in any version of the Bible either. So why do believers do it? Why do they celebrate these holidays that are filled with pagan based customs and traditions? How can that be pleasing to God? Before continuing with this study, may I suggest that you read my studies on Christmas and Easter to better understand why true, New Testament Christians did NOT observe Christmas and Easter either then or now?

What Does The Bible Really Say About Celebrating Christmas?

What Does The Bible Really Say About Celebrating Easter?

So back to my question again: What major religious holidays should Christians observe and celebrate? Does the Bible even tell us? Almost every major Christian church focuses on the birth and resurrection of Jesus with absolutely no Biblical example or authority, while totally ignoring the religious times the Bible says are special Festivals, that God gave to man to observe and celebrate. Notice I'm not saying God gave them ONLY for the Jews, but as a gift to all mankind as you will see in these studies. Most Christian denominations do not observe the Festivals that God says are HIS religious Holy Days, as outlined in Leviticus 23 in the Old Testament. These annual Festivals are considered divine appointments from God, representing key moments in His plan of salvation. Their purpose for Christians is to remember and celebrate His covenant with us every year.

The Old Testament Festivals foreshadows or prefigures something in the New Testament. This is called a "type". The "antitype" is the fulfillment or completion of that earlier Old Testament Holy Day "type", usually found in the New Testament. The type and anti-type describe a relationship connecting the Old Testament with the New Testament. The type serves as a prophetic symbol or a "rough draft" of what is to come. The antitype is the reality or the fulfillment of what was foreshadowed.

Mainstream Christian churches teach that these Festivals and Holy Days were just Jewish Festivals and not intended for Christians who have been saved by grace. They believe they were just part of the Old Covenant law for the Jews and were "nailed to the cross", and if Christians tried to keep them they would be under "legalism" and a "yoke of bondage" to the Mosaic Law for their salvation. That is absolute nonsense! True Christians KNOW they can only be saved by Jesus shed blood and His grace and mercy covering our sins. That's not what these Festivals are about. This is not about being saved by the law anymore than celebrating Christmas and Easter can save you either. There is a much deper meaning to these Festivals as you will see.

Leviticus 23 plainly says that God calls them HIS Feasts, not Jewish Feasts, but HIS special "Holy Days". They are "The Feasts of the LORD" not the Feasts of the Jews.

"The feasts of the LORD, which you will proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts. These are the feasts of the LORD, holy convocations which you will proclaim at their appointed times" (Leviticus 23:2-4).

Many believers are totally shocked when they see that the New Testament actually shows instructions and examples of Christians, often Gentiles, not Jews, who have been saved by Jesus and His grace, were keeping God's 7 annual Holy Days. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Acts, 1 Corinthians, Colossians, 2 Peter and Jude, all contain references to the observance of the Festivals by believers, Gentile and Jewish alike. They also show instructions for the Festivals that God gave to all mankind showing His awesome purpose for us, and Jesus is the center of this plan in these special days! God's plan is revealed by the 7 Annual Festivals. Each Feast represents a part in God's plan picturing a great event to teach us about salvation for everyone, not just the Jews. Colossians 2:17 shows us that these Holy Days and Festivals are a shadow (a type) of certain parts of God's plan of salvation. They are relevant for believers now, because as we celebrate them every year, we understand and learn more about how God's incerdible plan for man is being carried out.

So what are the specific Feasts and Holy Days given in Leviticus 23, these times that God's says are HIS? You can read more in Leviticus and Deuteronomy to see what the literal, physical application of these special Festivals were all about, and how the Jews were supposed to observe them.

Leviticus 23

The Passover (verse. 5)
The Days of Unleavened Bread (verses. 6-8)
The Feast of Weeks, called the Day of Pentecost in the New Testament (verses. 15-22)
The Feast of Trumpets (verses. 23-25)
The Day of Atonement (verses. 26-32)
The Feast of Tabernacles (verses. 33-39)
The Last Great Day (verse. 39)


The main argument used by some to say the Holy Days are no longer to be observed is found in Colossians 2. Instead of proving that they were "done away," this verse actually proves that a Gentile congregation was observing them.

Let no man therefore judge you ..... in respect of a holy day. (Col 2:16).

Paul doesn't tell them, "Do NOT keep a Holy Day." It doesn't even come close to saying that. Instead, he warns them not to let any man judge them FOR observing and celebrating the Feast Days. Many of their Gentile friends and family we judging them for keeping these supposedly "Jewish" Holy Days. Paul is simply telling them not to let the Gentiles condemn them for keeping the Feasts, not to worry about it. He is encouraging them to stand strong in keeping them regardless of condemnation by their Gentile family, friends, and neighbors.

It will be quite clear after you read the studies with an open mind, and simply accept what is plainly written. God's Feasts and Holy Days were not just given for the Israelites, (the Jews today), they were given by God for ALL people for all times! This obviously includes all Christians. Not only did the original Christian Apostles and disciples celebrate them, but ALL Christians will celebrate them with Jesus in the Kingdom of God when He returns as you will see in one of the studies. I see nothing in Scripture that says Jesus' birth and resurrection will be celebrated in God's eternal Kingdom. No pagan-based Christmas and Easter holidays will EVER be permitted in the Kingdom of God ..... EVER! We will ONLY be celebrating and observing the Feasts and Holydays that God commands in Scripture for all people, for all time.

These Bible Studies are divided into the 3 Spring Feasts, and the 4 Fall Feasts.

The Passover, The Days of Unleavened Bread, and The Feast of Weeks, called Pentecost in the New Testament will all be included in this first study about the Spring Festivals

Should Christians Celebrate God's Spring Festivals

The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, The Feast of Tabernacles, and The Eighth Day Feast, called the Last Great Day in the New Testament is in this second study about the Fall Feasts And Holydays

Should Christians Celebrate God's Fall Festivalss

I hope you find these studies helpful in your understanding of the Feast and Holy Days God wants us to celebrate.

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Gateway To Jesus Ministries - Bible Study #24.