If what you really believe about the significance of Christmas for Christians is not true would you want to know it? Have you ever really proved what you believe the Scriptures say about actually celebrating the Birth of Jesus is true by looking at what the Bible really says about things you believe? Rather than believing the teachings of mere men, you are encouraged to study the Bible and see for yourself what the Bible actually says about Christians celebrating Christmas.
You can find answers to these question here. If you are looking for Bible studies for Christmas you have found one that will show you what the Bible really does say about the significance of Christmas, the pagan customs and traditions, and the Santa Claus lie that surrounds it that may surprise you. The short Bible Study for Christmas below will show you some key Bible verses that clearly and plainly indicate the significance to God of US celebrating Christmas, but not in a way you might expect. If what you believe about this holiday is not really true would you want to know it?
What does the Bible really say about Christmas, and the universally accepted lie parents, (including Christians) tell their children about Santa Claus? Is it really wrong if you say a little, culturally accepted white lie in the name of innocent fantasy? Is it really a sin to break the 9th commandment and bear false witness to your children and grand children and say there actually is a Santa Claus who will bring them gifts if they are really good? Absolutely! It is a transgression of the commandment of God if we lie to our children and say Santa Claus really does exist. There is no excuse that God will accept for breaking His laws. We raise our children to tell the truth, and then get upset when they say things that are not true to us, but what kind of example do we set when WE lie to THEM about Santa Claus and him bringing them Christmas presents? If we expect our children to be honest and always tell the truth we actually should set a right example ourselves.
If our children find out Santa Claus does not really exist, is it possible they will logically question if Jesus is real too? Children are usually intelligent enough to make the connection. They may begin to question everything about the real God when they actually learn the truth about the pseudo-false god, Santa Claus, who knows everything about them, whether they have been bad or good and actually rewards them accordingly. When our kids find out we really lied to them about Santa Claus, is it really a shock to find out they also question everything we say to them about Jesus? Some parents justify lying to their children because they actually view the secular version of X-mas as innocent fantasy having nothing to do with the birth of Jesus, but can a young child really tell the difference between fantasy and reality when they are taught by the most trusted people in their life? Children trust their parents yet parents do not see the harm in breaking that trust by falsely teaching their children about beings like Santa Claus that really do not exist. What they say is a lie, plain and simple! Sin is sin! There are no exceptions in the commandment for lying to children for any reason, and there are actual consequences for lying according to God.
"A false witness will not go unpunished." (Proverbs 19:5)
Have Christian parents unintentionally made Santa Claus and all the pagan traditions and customs surrounding him more important than Jesus at Christmas time? Do parents and grandparents talk about Jesus as much as Santa Claus? Really be honest now. Do children actually get as excited about Jesus at Christmas as they do about Santa Claus? Parents often do not even take their children to church to worship Jesus on Christmas, yet they do not think twice about taking their kids to the mall to sit on the lap of Santa Claus and tell him what they want for Christmas. Santa Claus has actually taken the place of God to little children, knowing everything about them and rewarding them for being good.
Do we care what God thinks about man-made religious celebrations like Christmas that are based on pagan traditions and customs, that He never commanded? If you are looking for key Bible verses for Christmas supporting the celebration of this pagan holiday, you will not find them. There is actually no command, example, or instruction anywhere in Scripture concerning the celebration of the birth of Jesus. In fact the Bible really says God HATES our pagan based religious holiday celebrations and festivals.What does the bible actually say about God hating our man made festivals like Christmas and Easter, that He never commanded in the Bible. Why do we observe pagan based holidays instead of the the ones God ordained in the Bible as His special Festivals and Holy Days? The Bible says.....
"These are MY appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the LORD, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies." (Leviticus 23:2)
"Your New Moons and YOUR appointed feasts My soul hates; They are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them."(Isaiah. 1:14)
God tells us in Leviticus 23 what "HIS" special Feasts are. Christmas and Easter are not listed anywhere in the Bible as Holy Days or Feast Days. MEN created them and filled them with pagan based customs and traditions. Is it any wonder that God actually hates what men created? As a Christian shouldn't we also hate what God hates rather than embracing these pagan holidays?
What should a Christian do about putting decorated trees in our home and in our churches in light of what the Bible really says about them being a false, pagan tradition? What does the bible actually say about putting evergreen Christmas trees in our Christian churches near the altar, as so many churches do every year? Does it not actually violate the principle that is plainly written in the Bible?
Thou shalt not plant thee a grove of any trees near unto the altar of thy Lord thy God..."(Deut. 16:21)
Does the Bible say the early Christian church used pagan customs and traditions to celebrate Jesus birth? Never! They did not even celebrate Christmas at all. Do we know the sources of many of our Christmas holiday pagan traditions and customs that were added centuries later? Should we really care where they came from?
Their source matters to God based on what He actually says in the Bible He will do to ALL people who follow pagan customs and traditions. Should we not see the significance of our man-made holidays as God does? Should we not we call the Christmas season what it really is, a PAGAN celebration for the birth of the Sun God, not the Son of God? Have you ever researched just how many of our holiday customs and traditions were really taken directly from the pagan religions? If you look you will find nearly all of them actually came from paganism. As a Christian who loves Jesus, why would you not care and continue to use them to observe a pagan based holiday like Christmas?
Do we know why the Catholic church started using all the pagan customs and traditions to celebrate the Nativity? It was as an appeasement to all the pagan converts to Catholicism who still wanted to celebrate the birth of the SON OF GOD with their old customs used for celebrating the birth of the SUN GOD. Remember, these people had grown up with pagan holidays, chief of which was the idolatrous festival of late December around the 25th. It really was a festival of merrymaking, with its special spirit. They enjoyed it! They did not want to give it up! The truth is out there for anyone willing to see it. God says He will punish "ALL those following PAGAN CUSTOMS", (Christmas Traditions?), and who "participate in PAGAN WORSHIP CEREMONIES", (Midnight Mass and Christmas Church Services?), and those who fill their houses with "DECEIT", (Santa Claus lie to our children?). Here is what the Bible actually says.
"On that day of judgment, says the LORD, I will punish the leaders and princes of Judah and all those following pagan customs. Yes, I will punish those who participate in pagan worship ceremonies, and those who fill their masters houses with violence and deceit."(Zephaniah 1:8-9 ESV)
The Bible says God NEVER changes.
"For I am the LORD, I do not change.". (Malachi 3:6)
What God said thousands of years ago to His chosen people then, still applies to His chosen people, (Christians), and ALL people today! He never changes! He will do what He says and actually PUNISH us Christians if we celebrate pagan holidays like Christmas!
The fact is, the Bible does not actually say anything positive about Christmas being significant in any way! Many well meaning Christians say they do not do the Santa Claus based pagan Christmas traditions, but are celebrating the Nativity, the birth of Jesus, and putting Christ back into Christmas. How can we put Christ back into Christmas, a secular pagan based celebration from day one, that He was never really a part of in the first place? The Nativity, or birth of Jesus, has NOTHING in common with Santa Claus and the modern customs and traditions we use in celebration of this pagan holiday! The early church did not even celebrate Jesus birth. This holiday as we know it is a relatively modern observances that really has nothing to do with the Nativity. Our modern, secular, commercialized X-mas does not look anything at all like the birth of Jesus we see in the Bible. Have we been deceived by a non-Biblical lie? Absolutely Yes!
Is the modern X-mas spirit something Jesus would endorse with all the selfish and greedy values that are taught to our children at this time of year? It has turned kids into selfish little consumption addicts.
The modern spirit of X-mas with all the parties, drinking, over-eating, selfish expectations of toys and gifts, etc. is not only not accepted by God, it is all hated by Him! It all sets a selfish example for our children that really does them more harm than good. What does the Bible really say about Christmas? Does Gods Word tell us to teach our children to observe man-made holidays, or does it actually teach the truth about pagan based worship that God will not accept? Will we stand with the truth of God, or will we continue to follow pagan inspired traditions that have no Biblical foundation?
Yeah but ..... how about the 3 wise men who brought Jesus gifts for His birthday? First of all nowhere does the Word Of God actually say there were 3 of them. It only mentions 3 types of gifts given to Jesus, but for what reason? For His birthday? No. Jesus was a KING! They recognized that He was a king and did what was the custom at that time of bringing specific expensive gifts when visiting a king. There were not actually there giving Him birthday presents, but gifts of honor for a king! The Bible really says they did not come to celebrate Jesus birth but to worship Him as a KING! The first key Bible verses often used for showing the significance of Christmas would be these two. Are these not good reasons to celebrate? This is what the Bible says.
"here is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him." (Matthew 2:2)
How do we really know this visit was not for Jesus birthday? Because according to what the Bible really says, the wise men did not even visit Jesus in the manger at the time of His birth. When they actually arrived after their very long journey, (some Biblical scholars estimate perhaps as long as 2 years), they came to a visit a "YOUNG CHILD" in His "house", not a babe in a manger. They worshiped Him and then presented their royal gifts of "gold, and frankincense, and myrrh"to the King they came to honor! This is what the Bible actually says.
"and when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh." (Matt 2:11)
Did the wise men exchange gifts with one another? No. They really gave them to Jesus! "They presented unto him gifts." So why do we give gifts to each other instead of Jesus? Where did this selfish custom actually come from? If you are REALLY putting Christ back into Christmas you would be giving JESUS gifts instead of your family, friends and neighbors! People do not do that because it;s NOT about Jesus to them. It is really about all the enjoyable customs and joyful traditions related to family and friends, not actually about Jesus!
Yeah but ..... how about the shepherds in the field that visited Jesus in the manger? Were they not actually celebrating His birth? Does Scripture really tell us the significance of this?
"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child". (Luke 2:8-17)
Were they really there celebrating Jesus birth? No! There was no celebration, no party, no tree decked with silver and gold, no gift exchange, no decking the halls, no pagan customs and traditions, no feasting and drinking around the manger. They were frightened as they were actually put on a mission from God, specially called and given a "sign" by Him as WITNESSES to the arrival of the "Savior",to all people, to make "known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
God actually saw these shepherds as a group of honest humble people who would faithfully convey His message. In their time shepherds were seen as honest and straight forward people whose words did not carry authority, but meant truth. The special witness borne by these shepherds was to tell family, friends, neighbors, literally everyone about the arrival of their Savior! Luke tells us that after the shepherds had seen the "babe lying in a manger, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child". Such was the declaration of the angel who stood before them that holy night, that these "good tidings of great joy should be to all people". The shepherds were not at the manger to set an example to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but as one time WITNESSES to the arrival of the Savior, so they could go forth and tell "ALL PEOPLE" that their Savior had arrived. It was a one time in history event, never repeated again. They were actually witnesses to the arrival of our King in whom we find salvation, in effect they really were the first evangelists!
Aside from the angels briefly praising God in Heaven at the time of Jesus' birth, we see no indication in scripture that God actually wants us to, or expects us to celebrate Jesus birthday in anyway every year. There really is no command or instruction to likewise do so anywhere in Scripture.
"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" (Luke 2:13-14)
Did Jesus and His disciples celebrate His birth? No. Did the Apostles celebrate His birth after His resurrection? No. Did the early church celebrate the birthday of Jesus? No. During the first two centuries of Christianity there actually was strong opposition to celebrating, or even recognizing birthdays of anyone, including Jesus. Numerous church leaders at that time offered sarcastic comments about the pagan custom of celebrating birthdays when, in fact, they really believed saints and martyrs (including Jesus) should be honored on the days of their martyrdom, not their birthday. The church in Rome actually did not even begin celebrating this holiday on December 25 until in the 4th century during the reign of Constantine, the first Christian emperor who really did it for the pagan converts who refused to give up their festive December celebration of the birth of their Sun god.
If actually celebrating the birth of Jesus was actually important, do you not think God would have told us to do it? Do you not think He would have at least told us the date, WHEN to celebrate Jesus birth? Would the Apostles and early church have known it and done it? Nowhere in Scripture does God actually command or instruct us in any way to celebrate the arrival of our Savior 2,000 years ago in any manner! Jesus specifically told us to observe His death, by the partaking of bread representing His broken body, on Passover. This is what the Bible actually says.
"And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me". (Luke 22:19).
Most Christian do not even do, BUT He never told us to observe His birth in any way! Is that not odd? Did He forget, or is it something He DOES NOT want us to do? All of the customs and traditions of this holiday actually come from the pagans, so as Christians who love God, we simply should not follow them and partake in the festivities of Christmas in any way!
Have you proved what the Scripture really says about Christmas from the Bible or do you just assume it is OK to celebrate it because you heard a minister, preacher, or priest at church say it? Do you really just celebrate Christmas because you like it and have done so all your life? What if you are wrong? Will you believe what fallible men said, or what the Bible says about Christmas? Is it possible Jesus really hates this holidays no matter how well intended, and you are in opposition to GOD and His WILL? Your eternal life depends on you knowing the truth!
Now you DO know the truth plainly from the Bible about not celebrating this pagan holiday. You can ignore it and continue believing and doing what God does not want by celebrating this pagan holiday, OR you can repent and change and do what God says and walk away from ALL pagan celebrations and observances. The choice is yours for all eternity! What do you say? Will you believe what God says about celebrating this holiday or not?
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