Gateway To Jesus Ministries - Bible Study #3. Average Reading Time: 7 minutes.

Who Is Jesus?

Friend Request From Jesus

Why Do I Need Jesus Christ?

What Did Jesus Ever Do For Me?
Can He Really Give Me Eternal Life?
Is Jesus Really The Answer?

These are some of the most important questions anyone can ever ask. It can change EVERYTHING in a way you have probably never imagined. Millions of people can testify to this truth.

Forget for the moment everything you may ever have heard about Jesus Christ. Forget about Him being the Son of God. Forget about Him being your savior and dying for your sins. Forget about Him offering you salvation and eternity in His Kingdom. Forget about Him healing you from your diseases. Forget about Him offering you an abundant, happy life, free from worry. For the moment forget all of this. The basic question for most people is this? Who is Jesus and why do I need Him? Well, for that answer we have to turn to the only authoritative source in the world, the Bible. The Scriptures tell us a lot about Him and His plans for us for eternity. Many people believe Christ is God and know all of this to be true. Others don't believe. Maybe you are one of them. If this is true then you have some important questions to consider. A lot of people don't believe in, or cannot relate to Him. They really don't know a thing about God. They don't recognize Christ the King as a literal King with the power to save them from Hell to eternal life in God's Kingdom.

If what you believe isn't true, would you want to know it? If knowing your Savior can make a positive difference for you would you want to find out how? Who is He and why can he make a difference in your life? Can He really give YOU eternal life in His Kingdom?

Why do most human beings reject the ONLY possible way to actually live forever?

"Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him." (John 3:14-15)

"Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

"I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand." (John 10:28)

"And this is what he promised us, eternal life." (1 John 2:25)

You Have A Friend Request From Jesus: See What He Can Do For You NOW?

Eternal life! This sounds great for me after I die, but what about now? What can Jesus actually do for me now? Well, let's consider who He really is on the most basic level first. If you want to know how He can make a difference in your life, consider this. What is one thing that everyone can really relate to no matter who you are, or what culture you live in? Regardless of the trials, difficulties, and troubles you may now be experiencing, regardless of the doubt and anxiety, regardless of the loneliness, pain, and suffering, everyone understands and appreciates the value of friendship. Almost everyone has had a best friend sometime in their life. The nice thing about them is that they actually care about you unconditionally. Yet as good as your previous friendships have been, they were not really perfect. This one is different! You may not know it now, but the best friend you have ever had already a part of your life!

Who is Jesus? He is YOUR Friend, your Savior, your Comforter, your King, your God, and your Provider! He will not demand anything from you in exchange for his love, or His gift of eternal life in Heaven. It's unconditional! All you have to do is really believe in your Savior and accept His Grace and Mercy to cover all of your sins. Baptism and everything else just naturally follows. You don't actually have to do anything special to communicate with Him. There are no prescribed prayers or rituals that you have to go through to talk with Him. Christ is your access to God the Father 24 hours a day. You will have His undivided attention at all times. No matter what you have to tell Him, no matter how bad it might be, He will listen patiently to all that is in your heart and petition His Father on your behalf. The ultimate comforter will really comfort you in your time of need. The ultimate healer will really heal your spirit when you are troubled. The ultimate provider of peace will really give you peace in times of trial. His unconditionally love will fill your heart when you are sad. You will be forgiven of anything that you have done.

You don't have to go around feeling empty. You don't have to constantly worry about everything. You don't have to be unhappy. You don't have to be alone. You don't have to feel unloved. You don't have to be concerned about going to Hell. You now have someone who actually cares about you more than you could ever imagine. The best part comes at the end of your physical life! If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior you will be welcomed into the Kingdom of God when He returns to earth. You will actually live forever with God in a perfect Heavenly Paradise.

Remember what was said in the first paragraph about forgetting all those things that Christians believe about Jesus Christ? By themselves they don't really mean much to most people, however, in the context of the most perfect friendship you will ever have they suddenly take on new meaning. Imagine a friend who is actually willing to die for you so that you might live forever in a perfect Kingdom Paradise. Imagine someone who is really willing to give you eternal life, just out of love for you. Imagine a brother who can actually heal a disease you have, and who will carry all your worries and your fears for you. Imagine someone who just happens to have the most powerful God in the whole universe as his Father, who can petition Him on your behalf anytime you ask. Well, you don't have to imagine it any longer. You really have all of this right now!

You don't have to wait for your Friend to do many of these things for you because He already has. Jesus has really already died for you. He is now your King and Savior! He has already offered you salvation. He has already offered you eternity in His Heavenly Kingdom, and is ready and willing to do even more for you, if you will let Him. Jesus wants to carry your burdens, wants you to give him your worries and your fears, wants to give you an abundant, happy time here on earth. You only have to do one thing. You have to be willing to actually believe in Him and accept Him and all that He offers you. His forgiveness of your sins is free. His gifts are all free, but you have to be willing to accept them.

Accepting Jesus As Your Personal Savior From All Your Sins And Being a Christian Gives You Hope!

"Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day." (John 6:54)

"And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life." (1 John 5:11-13)

The survival instinct is actually the most powerful instinct in a human being! It is greater than the desire to eat, drink, or reproduce. No one wants to die! We do everything in our power to avoid death and live as long as we can. Every being that has ever lived on this earth including great spiritual leaders have died, such as Confucius, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed, and yes, even Jesus Christ! Everyone knows they are going to die yet their desire to survive is so strong that they fight death at every turn. Every human being wants to live! Jesus died, just like everyone else! The big difference between Jesus Christ and Confucius, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed, the rest of the human race is He did not stay dead. He rose up fully alive out of the grave several days after He died. None of the world religions are based on a resurrection from the dead to eternal life except one! Christianity! If you are a Christian you do not have to fear death.

So can Jesus really save me from Hell? Go to this page to find out the answer.

Can Jesus really save me from Hell?

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